3. Open Internet Development
of the well designed Internet applications are developed under object-oriented
methodologies , to better cope with the modular structures of HTML
and XML, and to more effectively reuse or even share programming modules
with other companies. The applications using object-oriented languages
are often designed using a formal methodology and tightly related
to modelling languages.
this chapter, we will analyse the development of open methodologies
for application design, which can be extremely helpful to ensure scalability,
security and robust execution of Web applications under stressful
conditions. After, we will see three different platforms used to develop
the web applications, and discuss the importance of open standards
to build web services.
cannot finish without analysing the current hype around agile development
and extreme programming. To conclude, we will review some ideas about
comparison elements between open and proprietary platforms.
is the designing of software applications before coding, being an
essential part of large software projects, and helpful to medium and
small projects. Using a model, those responsible for a software development
project's success can assure themselves that business functionality
is complete and correct, end-user needs are met, and program design
supports requirements for scalability, robustness, security, extendibility,
and other characteristics, before implementation in code renders changes
difficult and expensive to make.
OMG Model Drive Architecture (MDA) provides an open, vendor-neutral
approach to the challenge of business and technology change. Based
firmly upon other open standards, MDA aims to separate business or
application logic from underlying platform technology. The platform-independent
models enable intellectual property to move away from technology-specific
code, helping to foster application interoperability.
September 2001, OMG members completed the series of votes that established
the MDA as the base architecture for the organization's standards.
Every MDA standard or application is based, normatively, on a Platform-Independent
Model (PIM), which represents its business functionality and behaviour
very precisely but does not include technical aspects. From the PIM,
MDA-enabled development tools follow OMG-standardized mappings to
produce one or more Platform-Specific Models (PSM): one for each target
platform that the developer chooses.
PSM contains the same information as an implementation, but in the
form of a UML model instead of running code. In the next step, the
tool generates the running code from the PSM, along with other necessary
files. After giving the developer an opportunity to hand-tune the
generated code, the tool produces a deployable final application.
applications are composable: If PIMs are imported for modules, services,
or other MDA applications into the development tool, it can generate
calls using whatever interfaces and protocols are required, even if
these run cross-platform. MDA applications are "future-proof":
When new infrastructure technologies come on the market, OMG members
will generate and standardize a mapping to it, and the vendors will
upgrade his MDA-enabled tool to include it. Taking advantage of these
developments, cross-platform invocations can be generated to the new
platform, and even port the existing MDA applications to it, automatically
using the existing PIMs. Although MDA can target every platform and
will map to all with significant market buy-in, CORBA plays a key
role as a target platform because of its programming language-, operating
system-, and vendor-independence. The mapping from a PIM to CORBA
has already been adopted as an OMG standard.
The core

Figure 16 - Model Driven Architecture
The Unified Modeling Language (UML)
As discussed, each MDA specification will have, as its normative base,
two levels of models: a Platform-Independent Model (PIM), and one
or more Platform-Specific Models (PSM). These will be defined in UML,
making OMG's standard modeling language the foundation of the MDA.
UML is discussed separated in the next chapter.
The Meta-Object Facility (MOF)
By defining the common meta-model for all of OMG's modeling specifications,
the MOF allows derived specifications to work together in a natural
way. The MOF also defines a standard repository for meta-models and,
therefore, models (since a meta-model is just a special case of a
Common Warehouse MetaModel (CWM)
The CWM standardizes a complete, comprehensive metamodel that enables
data mining across database boundaries at an enterprise and goes well
beyond. Like a UML profile but in data space instead of application
space, it forms the MDA mapping to database schemas. The product of
a cooperative effort between OMG and the Meta-Data Coalition (MDC),
the CWM does for data modelling what UML does for application modelling.
CORBA is the acronym for Common Object Request Broker Architecture,
OMG's open, vendor-independent architecture and infrastructure that
computer applications use to work together over networks. Using the
standard protocol IIOP, a CORBA-based program from any vendor, on
almost any computer, operating system, programming language, and network,
can interoperate with a CORBA-based program from the same or another
vendor, on almost any other computer, operating system, programming
language, and network. CORBA is useful in many situations because
of the easy way that CORBA integrates desktop and servers from so
many vendors.
· Technical overview
CORBA, client and object may be written in different programming languages.
CORBA applications are composed of objects . For each object type,
an interface is defined in OMG IDL (Interface Definition Language)
. The interface is the syntax part of the contract that the server
object offers to the clients that invoke it. Any client that wants
to invoke an operation on the object must use this IDL interface to
specify the operation it wants to perform, and to order the arguments
that it sends. When the invocation reaches the target object, the
same interface definition is used there to parse the arguments and
perform the requested operation.
separation of interface from implementation is the essence of CORBA.
The interface to each object is defined very strictly. In contrast,
the implementation of an object - its running code, and its data -
is hidden from the rest of the system (that is, encapsulated). Clients
access objects only through their advertised interface, invoking only
those operations that that the object exposes through its IDL interface,
with only those parameters (input and output) that are included in
the invocation.

Figure 17 - CORBA request from client to object
above figure shows how everything fits together, at least within a
single process: The IDL is compiled into client stubs and object skeletons
. Passing through the stub on the client side, the invocation continues
through the ORB (Object Request Broker) , and the skeleton on the
implementation side, to get to the object where it is executed. Because
IDL defines interfaces so strictly, the stub on the client side matches
perfectly with the skeleton on the server side, even if the two are
compiled into different programming languages, or even running on
different ORBs from different vendors.

Figure 18 - CORBA remote invocation flow using ORB-to-ORB communication
figure above diagrams a remote invocation. In order to invoke the
remote object instance, the client first obtains its object reference.
To make the remote invocation, the client uses the same code that
it used in the local invocation we just described, substituting the
object reference for the remote instance. When the ORB examines the
object reference and discovers that the target object is remote, it
routes the invocation out over the network to the remote object's
ORB. Although the ORB can tell from the object reference that the
target object is remote, the client cannot. This ensures location
transparency - the CORBA principle that simplifies the design of distributed
object computing applications.

The Unified Modelling Language (UML) is a open method for specifying,
visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artefacts of software
systems, as well as for business modelling and other non-software
systems. It represents a collection of the best engineering practices
that have proven successful in the modelling of large and complex
systems, addressing the needs of user and scientific communities.
· Medieval ages
object-oriented modelling languages began to appear between mid-1970
and the late 1980s as various methodologists experimented with different
approaches to object-oriented analysis and design. Several other techniques
influenced these languages, including Entity-Relationship modelling
and the Specification & Description Language. These early methods
could not satisfy most of the design requirements, and started to
incorporate each other's techniques. A few clearly prominent methods
emerged, including the OOSE, OMT-2, and Booch'93 methods. Each of
these was a complete method, and was recognized as having certain
strengths. In simple terms, OOSE was a use-case oriented approach
that provided excellent support business engineering and requirements
analysis. OMT-2 was especially expressive for analysis and data-intensive
information systems. Booch'93 was particularly expressive during design
and construction phases of projects and popular for engineering-intensive
All for one
UML started out as collaboration among three outstanding methodologists:
Grady Booch (Boock'93), Ivar Jacobson (OOSE), and James Rumbaugh (OMT-2).
At first Booch and Rumbaugh sought to unify their methods with the
Unified Method v. 0.8 in 1995; a year later Jacobson joined them to
collaborate on the slightly less ambitious task of unifying their
modelling languages with UML 0.9.
user community quickly recognized the advantages of a common modelling
language that could be used to visualize, specify, construct and document
the artefacts of a software system. They enthusiastically applied
early drafts of the language to diverse domains ranging from finance
and health to telecommunications and aerospace. Driven by strong user
demand, the modelling tool vendors soon included UML support in their
One for all
the same time that UML was becoming a de facto industry standard,
an international team of modelling experts assumed the responsibility
to make the language a formal standard as well. The "UML Partners",
representing a diverse mix of vendors and system integrators, began
working with the three methodologists in 1996 to propose UML as the
standard modelling language for the OMG. The Partners organized themselves
into a software development team that followed a disciplined process.
Since the process was based on an iterative and incremental development
life cycle, the team produced frequent "builds" and draft
releases of the specification.
Partners tendered their initial UML proposal to the OMG (UML 1.0)
in January 1997. After nine months of intensive improvements to the
specification, they submitted their final proposal (UML 1.1) in September
1997, which the OMG officially adopted as its object-modelling standard
in November 1997. UML 1.5 is the current specification adopted by
the OMG, and in mid-2001, OMG members started work on a major upgrade
to UML 2.0. Four separate RFPs - for UML Infrastructure, UML Superstructure,
Object Constraint Language, and UML Diagram Interchange - keep the
effort organized.
OMG defines object management as software development that models
the real world through representation of "objects." These
objects are the encapsulation of the attributes, relationships and
methods of software identifiable program components. A key benefit
of an object-oriented system is its ability to expand in functionality
by extending existing components and adding new objects to the system.
Object management results in faster application development, easier
maintenance, enormous scalability and reusable software.
members are preparing to standardize a Human-Usable Textual Notation
(HUTN) for UML models, or at least those that fit into the Enterprise
Distributed Object Computing (EDOC) UML Profile.
(Almost) Ten Years Later
defines twelve types of diagrams, divided into three categories:
§ Structural Diagrams represent static application structure
and include the Class Diagram, Object Diagram, Component Diagram,
and Deployment Diagram.
Behavior Diagrams represent different aspects of the application's
dynamic behavior and include the Use Case Diagram (used by some methodologies
during requirements gathering); Sequence Diagram, Activity Diagram,
Collaboration Diagram, and Statechart Diagram.
Model Management Diagrams represent ways the applications modules
can be organized and managed and include Packages, Subsystems, and
Advanced UML Features add to the expressiveness of UML:
Object Constraint Language (OCL) has been part of UML since the beginning
and express conditions on an invocation in a formally defined way:
invariants, preconditions, post conditions, whether an object reference
is allowed to be null, and some other restrictions using OCL. The
MDA relies on OCL to add a necessary level of detail to PIMs and PSMs.
Action Semantics UML Extensions are a recent addition and express
actions as UML objects. An Action object may take a set of inputs
and transform it into a set of outputs, or may change the state of
the system, or both. Actions may be chained, with one Action's outputs
being another Action's inputs. Actions are assumed to occur independently
- that is, there is infinite concurrency in the system, unless you
chain them or specify this in another way. This concurrency model
is a natural fit to the distributed execution environment of Internet
Profiles tailor the language to particular areas of computing or particular
platforms. In the MDA, both PIMs and PSMs will be defined using UML
profiles; eventually OMG will define a suite of profiles that span
the entire scope of MDA. Examples of three supporting UML Profiles
and one specialized profile are :
The UML Profile for CORBA defines the mapping from a PIM to a CORBA-specific
The UML Profile for EDOC is used to build PIMs of enterprise applications.
It defines representations for entities, events, process, relationships,
patterns, and Enterprise Collaboration Architecture.
The UML Profile for EAI defines a profile for loosely coupled systems
. These modes are typically used in Enterprise Application Integration,
but are used elsewhere as well.
A UML Profile for Schedulability, performance, and time supports precise
modelling of predictable systems, precisely enough to enable quantitative
· Opening the iron mask
is clearly an open methodology, and the three main characteristics
are the independency of the technical infrastructure, the independency
of the methodology and the openness of its definition, managed by
a recognised and independent organisation (OMG).
first, UML can be used to model any type of application, running on
different combinations of hardware and software platforms, programming
languages and network protocols. Built upon the MOF metamodel which
defines class and operation as fundamental concepts, UML is a natural
fit for object-oriented languages and environments like C++, C#, Java
and Python. Some UML tools analyse existing source code and reverse-engineer
it into a series of UML diagrams. Other tools execute UML models in
interpretative way (to validate the design) and other may even generate
program language code from UML.
process of gathering and analysing an application's requirements,
and incorporating them into a program design, is a complex one and
the industry currently supports many methodologies that define formal
procedures specifying how to go about it. The second characteristic
of UML is that it is methodology-independent. Regardless of the methodology
used to perform the analysis and design, UML can express the results.
Using XMI (XML Metadata Interchange, another OMG standard), the UML
model can be transferred from one tool into a repository, or into
another tool for refinement or the next step in the chosen development
last, the UML definitions are openly discussed by an independent organisation
- OMG, freely published in the Web and implemented by any software
vendor, including several open source projects.
OMG is structured into three major bodies, the Platform Technology
Committee (PTC), the Domain Technology Committee (DTC) and the Architecture
Board. The consistency and technical integrity of work produced in
the PTC and DTC is managed by an overarching Architectural Board.
Within the Technology Committees and Architectural Board rest all
of the Task Forces, SIGs, and Working Groups that drive the technology
adoption process of the OMG.
are three major methods of influencing the OMG process, in addition
to the impact of general review, commentary and open discussion. The
first is the ability to vote on work items or adoptions in the Task
Forces that are ultimately reviewed and voted on at the Technology
Committee level. The second is the ability to vote on work items or
adoptions at one or both of the Technology Committee levels. The third
is the ability to actually submit technology for adoption at one or
both of the Technology Committee levels. Membership fees are based
on these levels of influence.
Web Platforms
3.2.1. Java

The Java platform is based on the power of networks. Since its initial
commercial release in 1995, Java technology has grown in popularity
and usage because of its true portability. Java is a general-purpose
concurrent object-oriented programming language. Its syntax is similar
to C and C++, but it omits many of the features that make C and C++
complex, confusing, and unsafe. Java was initially developed to address
the problems of building software for networked consumer devices.
It was designed to support multiple host architectures and to allow
secure delivery of software components. To meet these requirements,
compiled Java code had to survive transport across networks, operate
on any client, and assure the client that it was safe to run.
Java platform
platform is the hardware or software environment in which a program
runs. We've already mentioned some of the most popular platforms in
the chapter 2. Most platforms can be described as a combination of
the operating system and hardware. However, Java is a software-only
platform that runs on top of other hardware-based platforms.
Java platform was designed to run programs securely on networks and
allows the same Java application to run on many different kinds of
computers. For example, PersonalJava applications power home appliances,
Java Card applications run on smart cards, smart rings, and other
devices with limited memory, and Java TV applications run in television
settop boxes. This interoperability is guaranteed by a component of
the platform called the Java virtual machine (or "JVM")
- a kind of interpreter that turns general Java platform instructions
into tailored commands that make the devices do their work.

Figure 19 - Java platform components
other component - Java API - is a large collection of ready-made software
components that provide many useful capabilities, such as graphical
user interface (GUI) widgets. The Java API is grouped into libraries
of related classes and interfaces; these libraries are known as packages.
power of compiled languages is the execution speed. The power of interpreted
languages is the flexibility to run a same program in different platforms.
The Java programming language is unusually powerful in that a program
is both compiled and interpreted. With the compiler, first you translate
a program into an intermediate language called Java bytecodes -the
platform-independent codes interpreted by the interpreter on the Java
platform. The interpreter parses and runs each Java bytecode instruction
on the computer. Compilation happens just once; interpretation occurs
each time the program is executed.

Figure 20 - Java compiler and interpreter
Java editions
editions group the different technologies according to the hardware
platform: J2ME (tiny commodities, like smartcards), J2SE (development
of applets and applications) and J2EE (enterprise server-side applications).
21 - The Java platform and editions
is owned by Sun Microsystems, which has in place the appropriate mechanisms
to meet the evolving needs of the industry, and to fulfil the needs
of Internet application developers .
Java buzzwords
the scope of this document, let us analyze the two main Java characteristics
in detail, and briefly describe the others:
Architecture neutral
independence of the architecture is fundamental to allow the same
program to run virtually anywhere, without special adaptation tasks.
For Java, this is guaranteed by the Java platform components seen
above. This is seen as a menace by companies like Microsoft, which
tried to block the compatibility of the JVM with recent Windows versions.
This was a strategy to force the Windows customers to use the Microsoft
platform - .NET - and luckily has been avoided by the justice.
is closely related to the architecture independence. It describes
the characteristics of the language that must remain unchanged independently
of the platform, like data types (e.g. character, byte, integer).
Even if this may seem simple at first sight, this is not true for
most of the languages, in which one of the activities when porting
a program from one platform to another is the adaptation of the data
types. Java did not make this mistake. The data types have specific,
defined lengths regardless of the system.
Java virtual machine is based primarily on the POSIX interface specification
- an industry-standard definition of a portable system interface.
Implementing the Java virtual machine on new architectures is a relatively
straightforward task.
Simple - Reduces software development cost and time to delivery
Object oriented - To function within increasingly complex, network-based
environments, programming systems must adopt object-oriented concepts
High performance - Obtained from the compiled bytecode
Interpreted - The bytecode is transformed into executable code during
the execution of the program
Multithreaded - Multiple tasks can be executed in parallel, improving
overall system performance
Robust - Provides a solid, reliable environment in which to develop
Dynamic - Classes are linked only as needed. New code modules can
be linked in on demand from a variety of sources, even from sources
across a network.
HotJava browser showcases Java's interesting properties by making
it possible to embed Java programs inside HTML pages. These programs,
known as applets, are transparently downloaded into the HotJava browser
along with the HTML pages in which they appear. Before being accepted
by the browser, applets are carefully checked to make sure they are
safe. Like HTML pages, compiled Java programs are network and platform-independent.
Applets behave the same way regardless of where they come from, or
what kind of machine they are being loaded into and run on.
Java as the extension language, a Web browser is no longer limited
to a fixed set of capabilities. Programmers can write an applet once
and it will run on any machine, anywhere. Visitors to Java-powered
Web pages can use content found there with confidence that it will
not damage their machine.
Open Belgian Cathedrals
to Tony Mary , openness and flexibility are the main Java advantages.
This openness could be widened further, with a creation of a unique
media technology by a group of companies. This could be compared -
accorded to him - to the cathedrals. In opposition to the medieval
castles - strongly protected and closed, and almost destroyed today
- the Cathedrals always remained open and survived.
to Edy Van Asch , Open Source is the main Java trend. Java has always
been closely related to Open Source, but since 2001 this relationship
became stronger. Examples are Eclipse (Open Source Java Development
environment), Junit (Open Source Test Structures), Jboss (Open Source
Application Server) and Jini.
network technology is an open architecture that enables developers
to create network-centric services - whether implemented in hardware
or software - that are highly adaptive to change. Jini technology
can be used to build adaptive networks that are scalable, evolvable
and flexible as typically required in dynamic computing environments.
Jini Offers an open development environment for creative collaboration
through the Jini Community, and is available free of charge with an
evergreen license. It extends the Java programming model to the network
(by moving data and executables via a Java object over a network)
and enables network self-healing and self-configuration.

.NET (read as "dot-net") is both a business strategy from
Microsoft and its collection of proprietary programming support for
the Web services . Its goal is to provide individual and business
users with a seamlessly interoperable and Web-enabled interface for
applications and computing devices and to make computing activities
increasingly Web browser-oriented. The .NET platform includes servers
(running Microsoft Windows), building-block services (such as Web-based
data storage), device software and Passport (Microsoft's identity
verification service). Functionally the .Net architecture can be compared
to the Java platform. In the scope of our study, they are completely
different: Java aims to give the companies and users the liberty of
choosing the hardware and software platforms. .NET is tightly related
to Microsoft Windows operating systems (the only software platform
supported) and favours the usage of complementary Microsoft products
such as Internet explorer and the Office suite. Omnipresence is the
goal, and the weapon is the relative complexity of Java platform.
full release of .NET is expected to take several years to complete,
with intermittent releases of products such as a personal security
service and new versions of Windows and Office that implement the
.NET strategy coming on the market separately.
Dot objectives
to Bill Gates, Microsoft expects that .NET will have as significant
an effect on the computing world as the introduction of Windows. One
concern being voiced is that although .NET's services will be accessible
through any browser, they are likely to function more fully on products
designed to work with .NET code.
The ability to make the entire range of computing devices work together
and to have user information automatically updated and synchronized
on all of them
§ Increased interactive capability for Web sites, enabled by
greater use of XML rather than HTML
§ A premium online subscription service, that will feature customized
access and delivery of products and services to the user from a central
starting point for the management of various applications, such as
e-mail, for example, or software, such as Office .NET
§ Centralized data storage, which will increase efficiency and
ease of access to information, as well as synchronization of information
among users and devices
§ The ability to integrate various communications media, such
as e-mail, faxes, and telephones
§ For developers, the ability to create reusable modules, which
should increase productivity and reduce the number of programming
Dot components
Figure 22 - The Components of Microsoft .NET-Connected Software
Smart clients: "Smart" is the term used by Microsoft for
client computers using one of its proprietary operating systems: Microsoft
Windows XP, Windows XP Embedded, and Windows CE .NET. All other clients
platforms are excluded from the .NET architecture.
XML Web services let applications share data, and invoke capabilities
from other applications without regard to how those applications were
built, what operating system or platform they run on, and what devices
are used to access them. While XML Web services remain independent
of each other, they can loosely link themselves into a collaborating
group that performs a particular task.
Developer Tools - Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (with high-level programming
languages like Visual Basic, Visual C++ and C#) and the Microsoft
.NET Framework (The application execution environment, which include
components like the common language runtime, a set of class libraries
for building XML Web services, and Microsoft ASP.NET) aim to supply
a complete solution for developers to build, deploy, and run XML Web
Servers - In opposite to the portability of Java applications, only
servers running Microsoft operating systems (Windows 2000 Server,
Windows Server 2003, and the .NET Enterprise Servers) are certified
to fully obtain good results from the .NET platform.
Dot integration
considers XML "deceptively simple" , and would certainly
prefer a complex and proprietary solution to integrate the .NET platform
- composed by Microsoft operating systems and basic software - with
other vendors environments. XML is revolutionizing how applications
talk to other applications - or more broadly, how computers talk to
other computers - by providing a universal data format that lets data
be easily adapted or transformed. Therefore, Microsoft saw in XML
an opportunity to connect its completely proprietary platform with
other proprietary or open environments. As an example, XML is extensively
used by Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000 to provide application,
data, and network integration between .NET platforms and host systems
(Mainframe and AS/400 environments, considered "legacy"
by Microsoft, and estimated to contain 70 percent of all corporate

Figure 23 - Microsoft Host Integration Server
comparison between Java and .net is not only technical. Economical
and cultural aspects are far more important. In this chapter, we will
analyse some of the differences and exploit possible alternatives.
the easy integration of both .NET and Java platforms, by the usage
of XML and Web services, many analysts suggest a co-existence of both
platforms in most companies. Scott Dietzen foresee this to happen
in the next five years. One of his arguments is the current .NET power
in the client-side and J2EE in the server-side. But he also prophesises
that the integration of Java to the companies culture, and its implementation
should become easier, before Microsoft .NET technology is mature enough
to attract large customers in projects where reliability is too important.
Nico Duerinck agrees with the co-existence to be possible, mainly
if Web services are implemented, even if a reduced number of companies
are currently using both technologies.
· Portability
new projects, Java may be clearly preferred to ensure the portability
of the applications. It guarantees that a server may start small,
running Windows operating systems, and move to other platforms like
Linux or UNIX to satisfy more advanced requirements like parallelism,
high-availability and reliability. An application developed under
.NET will always require a windows-based server to be able to exploit
all its capabilities.
as described by Dietzen, the Java community is composed by more than
100 vendors, working to improve the Java features and developing complementary
and concurrent solutions. The innovation resulted is far beyond what
a single company can afford.
to David Chappell , Windows DNA (seed of .net) and Java appeared together
in 1996. Since then, J2EE was built using windows DNA interesting
concepts, and .net framework incorporated Java-like features. This
"mutual and cross-pollenization" helps innovation in both
senses and minimize the problem of "single source of creativity",
suggested by Dietzen.
Infrastructure Costs
to Duerinck, most of the companies will try to keep the existing infrastructures,
and will tend to implement .net platforms in windows systems and Java
for all the other architectures. It is often a simple financial decision.
If a Microsoft license exists, it will probably be kept and exploited.
The cost of .net framework in existing windows systems is very low.
Some Java application servers can be rather expensive, however cheap
and open source alternatives exist.
training costs and simplification of the hardware and operating systems
diversity is also an important point to be considered.
Complementary products
are often developed by independent companies to be compatible with
both platforms. This is the case of Compuware development products
and Real Software development architecture . This can also minimize
the costs to transport an application from one platform to another,
by reducing the effects of .net proprietary philosophy.
The outsiders: LAMP
term LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl / Python / PHP) refers to a
set of Open Source software tools that allow for the development and
deployment of web applications .
of the omponents of LAMP can be downloaded without any costs. The
support is done by a network of developers aggregated in online communities
like "OnLamp " to help each other get the most out of LAMP.
Training is available from a wide array of providers, and many consulting
firms offer advanced capabilities for those businesses that require
sophisticated LAMP development.
have used LAMP to develop my web site . All dynamic pages have been
developed in PHP, and the databases in MySQL. The website is hosted
by ALL2ALL on Linux and Apache servers. The usage of Open Source allows
the web hosting to be performed with low costs. The learning cost
was a book about PHP and MySQL complemented by a large amount of free
online information, from FAQS to complete systematic training. The
learning time was reduced by using the large amount of online examples.
Most of the sites using LAMP provide the sources used for their development.
chapter 2.2.3 for a large discussion on Linux.
most widely used web server software in the world , Apache can be
run on a variety of operating systems, including AIX, Digital UNIX,
FreeBSD, Irix, Mac OS X, Netware, OpenBSD, Solaris, SunOS, Windows,
and of course, Linux. Apache's security record is far better than
that of Microsoft IIS.
database was built with the philosophy that a web database should
be lean and fast. It doesn't incorporate the diverse array of application
server features that Oracle and Microsoft database tools do, instead
focusing on core performance and leaving enhanced functions to scripting
languages. MySQL runs on a variety of operating systems, including
AIX, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Solaris, Windows, and Linux. It is well known
for its reliability; while the recent "Slammer" worm that
crippled much of the Internet was spread through Microsoft SQL Server,
it did not affect MySQL databases.
scripting language was invented to help overworked system administrators.
It still performs that function admirably well, but is also often
used in web development for things like dynamic forms, server monitoring,
and database integration. Perl runs on a wide variety of operating
from the ground up as a Web developer's language, PHP is easy to use
and executes very quickly. Skilled developers can use PHP to build
everything from online forms to complex database-driven web applications.
PHP is extremely popular, runs on a variety of operating systems,
and is most often used in conjunction with MySQL.
of the most powerful PHP features is the extensive library of functions,
open to be expanded by volunteer work. It contains functions to address
any possible need, to communicate with a large range of databases,
and to read and write files in many different formats, like PDF. The
documentation is written by volunteer work and consists in examples
supplied by the community. For any developer trained in other languages
the learning by example process is extremely efficient.
general-use high-level language, Python is often used to tie different
backend pieces together. It lends itself particularly well to Java/XML
integration and development of dynamic content frameworks. Python
runs on several operating systems.
give a large impulse to this initiative, Sun unveiled a dual-processor
server - LX50 - that runs the new Sun distribution of the Linux OS.
The server will run Intel x86 chips and will be available not only
with Linux but also with an Intel-enabled version of Sun's own Solaris
operating system. In a briefing with analysts and press, Sun's new
executive vice president of software, Jonathan Schwartz, further detailed
the vendor's Linux strategy. While Sun will keep pushing Solaris in
the data centre and J2EE for middle-tier business logic, it is making
a major bet on LAMP as the application environment of choice at the
edge of today's corporate infrastructures .
company called BD-X used LAMP as the basis for its web services strategy.
BD-X's chief technology officer Kevin Jarnot started prototyping a
wide-area content-creation environment that would allow BD-X to provide
XML-based financial content on demand for a wide variety of subscription
customers. "At first, our decision to use Open Source was to
build a prototype without a lot of cost," according to Jarnot.
But after his prototype was built, Jarnot found, "it would actually
be fine for [the] project's required performance and scalability."
founders reasoned that if they could transcribe these calls, mark
them up into XML, and then offer them to business customers, they
might just have a viable business. In the end, Jarnot says that 60
percent of the reason BD-X ended up with an Open Source solution was
because of cost. Thirty percent, he says, was because "we were
doing some pretty bleeding edge stuff... if we had been using proprietary
software, it would have been a lot harder to do the integration."
Oh, and the last ten percent of why BD-X went with Open Source? "Coolness
factor," says Jarnot.
said he expected BD-X would eventually need to port the system to
a more production ready commercial environment like Solaris running
Macromedia's ColdFusion. But, Jarnot said, it turned out that his
Open Source prototyped version was good enough to take into live production.
Using the standard Open Source LAMP stack as a backend platform, they
also decided to use the Open Source ELVIN message-oriented middleware
to filter the transcriptions and deliver them to customers. On the
XML side, the developers used Jedit (Open Source Java text editor)
for XML markup and editing. Jarnot mentions quite a few options he
is considering for using J2EE and Microsoft .NET technologies in conjunction
with his Linux, PHP and Apache systems. What proves again the clear
advantages of the symbiosis theory, between commercial, proprietary
and open platforms.
Web Services
to Brad Murphy , "by now, virtually every company is fully aware
and engaged in various stages of integrating the Internet into their
business model to help serve customers better. A key part of every
integration strategy is the use of Web services. The phenomenal growth
of Web services is made possible by open standards that are built
into the products that comprise the Web services infrastructure".
a standards based infrastructure, companies have the ability to use
the Web rather than your own computer for various services, linking
applications and conducting B2B or B2C commerce regardless of the
computing platforms and programming languages involved. In a way,
Web services are the natural evolution of the Internet - again all
based on open standards. At this point, Web services may seem straightforward,
but a critical issue companies face is choosing the best enterprise/strategic
development platform for creating and deploying these new interoperable
Open standards
options are available, but the key thing to remember is that any Web
services development platform - by definition - must follow open standards
to be interoperable, be innovative with rich and robust functionality
and work properly in responding to and addressing the complex needs
of a typical enterprise organization. The W3C has working groups focused
on refining the SOAP 1.1 and WSDL 1.1 specifications, which should
improve things considerably. The XML Protocol Working Group is working
on SOAP 1.2 while the Web Services Description Working Group is creating
the WSDL 1.2 specification. Meanwhile, the IETF and OASIS are also
working on standardizing Web service specifications, including DIME
and WS-Security.
work at the W3C focuses on new versions of the core Web services specifications,
a separate organization is focusing more attention on interoperability.
The Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) is focused on
defining best practices for ensuring Web service interoperability.
The WS-I Basic Profile Working Group is currently developing a set
of recommendations for how to use the core Web service protocols like
SOAP 1.1 and WSDL 1.1 to maximize interoperability.
clear leaders in the race to deliver Web services functionality are
IBM and the entire Java / J2EE vendor community. They recognized nearly
five years ago the need to support standards that provide customers
the flexibility of choice and as a result, devoted serious resources
to creating its solution. As discussed on chapter 3.2.2, the Microsoft
approach is very different when it comes to implementation. IBM and
the Java community are committed to a Web infrastructure based on
open standards - especially Java and Linux - to make disparate systems
work together. Microsoft presents .Net as an open platform that supports
Web standards, but it is still a highly proprietary technology that
runs solely on the Windows platform. Microsoft supports Web standards
interoperability - such as XML and SOAP - but only within the proprietary
Windows framework that is not easily portable.
Proprietary platforms
Web services to the Windows platform may be a perfectly acceptable
solution for a small or mid-tier business. However, for larger organizations,
this approach is not only impractical but also caries with it risks
and hidden costs when addressing the integration and collaboration
challenges of significant internal applications as well as a large,
dispersed organization. It's important to consider that almost every
large company has a rich, complex heterogeneous computing environment.
critical factor to consider is that a commitment to only one operating
environment such as Windows means companies lose the ability to choose
and negotiate among Web service application vendors for the best function
and price. Will companies really want to marry their Web services
application development -including the possibility of a substantial
portion of their future Internet-based revenue and vital customer
relation activities - so closely to Microsoft?
commitment to standards and interoperability in the Web services world
is both welcome and critical to large-scale adoption in the marketplace.
The fact that Microsoft has embraced standards and interoperability
with the Java world is evidence that Microsoft recognizes customers
will no longer tolerate proprietary solutions. It's also true that
the .NET offerings will likely capture a large segment of the existing
pool of Microsoft developers and customers. Unfortunately for larger
customers however, this won't produce increased platform choice or
vendor flexibility.
future Web usage, cost savings and revenue generation is only half
of what is projected, it is likely that most companies will continue
their investment and support of Java as their strategic platform.
Will .NET gain acceptance and find an important role to play in a
Java/Standards-based world? Absolutely, but only if Microsoft delivers
on their promise to truly support standards. Which raises an interesting
question - does history give anyone reason to believe that Microsoft
is truly interested in customer choice and flexibility based on vendor
neutral standards? Ignorance is bliss.
Open source
only big names (IBM, Microsoft, BEA) are behind web services software.
Open Source software and tools exist such as the Apache Tomcat servlet
engine , the JBoss J2EE-based server and Apache AXIS (a Java toolkit
for building and deploying Web service clients and servers) .
According to Thomas Murphy, "Consider the fact that Web services
themselves are built on top of Open Source technologies like HTTP
and TCP/IP, people don't realize the amount of Open Source technology
that underlies everything that they do. Many companies use Open Source
technology areas other than Web services without giving it a second
thought, and so should open themselves to using the technology for
Web services as well. Look at the Internet - the most predominant
server is Apache, which is Open Source, and so people don't really
have problems running Open Source software. And look at the underlying
protocols; they're all Open Source as well."
involved in the Open Source community, not surprisingly, tout the
benefits of Open Source tools for Web services development. Marc Fleury,
founder and president of JBoss says that many commercial Web service
tools are "pricy implementations rushed to the market with poor
quality." He believes that because of this, most commercial vendors
will disappear over time, but that Open Source technology will survive
because of its superior quality. Additionally, he adds, Web services
technology is a "moving target. Many implementations are fighting
for standard status. Going with a free software implementation guarantees
you the maximum probability of going with a standard." It's not
only the Open Source community and analysts who believe that Open
Source technologies are the best solution to Web services development
- those involved in Web services creation and deployment are backers
as well. For example, FiveSight Technologies provides comprehensive
Web services workflow integration and software tools, and they've
built those tools using Open Source software.
Brown, president of FiveSight, says that "Without using Open
Source, we wouldn't have been able to launch our company. If FiveSight
on its own, or any other company, had to implement XML schema or WSDL
or any other number of Web services technologies in combination, it
would be an impossible task. The Open Source community is a catalyst
for innovation in software, and so I know things like where we can
get a good Open Source implementation of a transaction manager. It's
an opportunity to solve a hard problem by building on work from the
community at large. We've used Open Source in our development work,
from the first piece of software we deployed. We didn't have the money
to pay for developers and staff," and so instead turned to Open
Source software, which already had the software available, to do the
also notes the drawbacks. When companies devote themselves to using
Open Source technology for Web services, they're taking on responsibility
for product support and management, since there is no commercial vendor
that takes care of that for them. That means no technical support,
and no clear upgrade paths. There may also be legal issues involved
with Open Source licenses, and so businesses need to have their legal
staffs examine the implications of using Open Source before committing.
issue is that the Open Source community has yet to fully embrace Web
services technologies with open arms. JBoss's Fleury, for example,
says that "Web services isn't real so far. We see zero dollars
in Web services." There are signs, however, that that is changing
and an increasing number of Open Source tools and developers have
turned their attention to Web services.
Agile Development
Development is a collection of methods and practices aimed to reduce
the time and effort required to develop an application, through communication,
simplicity, feedback, courage and humility. Some of its processes
are Adaptive Software Development , Crystal , Scrum , Xbreed , Dynamic
Systems Development Method (DSDM) and Usage-Centered Design (UCD)
. However, the best known agile method is XP (Extreme Programming).
3.5. Extreme Programming
the early 1990s, a man named Kent Beck was thinking about better ways
to develop software. Kent worked together with Ward Cunningham to
define an approach to software development that made every thing seem
simple and more efficient. Kent contemplated on what made software
simple to create and what made it difficult. In March of 1996, Kent
started a project using new concepts in software development: the
result was the Extreme Programming (XP) methodology. Kent defined
Communication (programmers communicate with their customers and fellow
programmers), Simplicity (the design is simple and clean), Feedback
(quick feedback by testing the software starting on day one), and
Courage (the programmers are able to courageously respond to changing
requirements and technology) as the four values sought out by XP programmers.
Programming (XP) is actually a deliberate and disciplined approach
to software development, and it's successful because it stresses customer
satisfaction. The methodology is designed to deliver the software
required by the customer in the target timeframe, and empowers the
developers to confidently respond to changing customer requirements,
even late in the life cycle. This methodology also emphasizes teamwork.
Managers, customers, and developers are all part of a team dedicated
to delivering quality software. XP implements a simple, yet effective
way to enable groupware style development.
is an important new methodology for two reasons. It is a re-examination
of the software development practices used as standard operating procedures,
and it is one of several new lightweight software methodologies created
to reduce the cost of software. XP goes one step further and defines
a process that is simple and enjoyable.
to Kent, software development is a difficult task and the efforts
should be concentrated in the four main activities:
Listening - Consists in obtaining information from clients, users,
managers, and business people. The problem must be identified and
the data must be collected for testing purposes.
Designing - Some contradictory opinions exist around this topic. Some
think that XP consists in low design, short-sighted. As this is far
from a preferred option, let us consider the other opinion stream:
the design must be performed by the developer and be validated by
the user, but the time spent shall not be extremely high.
Coding - The heart of development.
Testing - Validate the application, with the help from the customer
in the final phases.
Extreme Programming and Open Source
XP Open Values
four XP values fit with the hacker's ethic:
Most open source projects rely on communications. As normally the
teams are geographically dispersed, the exchange of written messages
(via e-mail, newsgroups and forums) may have a positive effect as
it allows a record of the discussions and the comment from the community.
Simplicity is often present - and sometimes even exaggerated - in
open source projects, which are normally started to satisfy basic
needs of one person or one part of the community.
The feedback is one of the most important features of open source
development, as the responses from the community can be based on the
functionality (new features required, conceptual and technical problems)
but are often recommendations on the programming techniques (via the
sharing of the source code) or suggested new routines, functions or
It normally takes a lot of courage to start a new open source project,
as the source code may be analysed and criticised by a huge number
of peer programmers, but also to join an ongoing project and commit
to using the spare time to perform the coding.
XP Open Practices
Planning - XP assumes you have a customer (or a proxy) as part of
the project. Open Source projects generally don't have a well defined
"customer". Nor is there a single voice for their users.
Instead, Open source projects tend to be guided by a combination of
the vision of their key developers, and the "votes" of their
other developers and users.
Small releases - Release early, release often. This is a current practice
in XP and Open Source projects
Testing - Automated tests are a key part of XP, as they give the courage
for re-factoring and collective ownership. They are what allow the
small releases (release early, release often XP and Open Source principle)
to happen. Although many Open Source projects include test suites,
this is possibly the best XP practice to be adopted. An Open Source
project that incorporated XP style tests would have enormous advantages.
It would require less oversight and review and it would encourage
more people to contribute because they would have immediate feedback
on whether their changes worked or not. Moreover, it would ensure
that as the software changed, grew and ported, it wouldn't break.
Re-factoring - "Re-factoring is the process of changing a software
system in such a way that it does not alter the external behaviour
of the code yet improves its internal structure." Many Open Source
projects are reviewed and re-factored, but often reluctantly. In XP
re-factoring is recommended all the time, so that the design stays
as clean as possible. The fear, of course, is that something will
be broken, but this is counteracted by having automated tests, and
pair (or peer) programming.
Pair programming - One of XP recommendations is to always have two
persons working in the same programs. This is rather difficult to
achieve in the real world of commercial development, but compensated
by the Open Source peer programming, with an exponential number of
programmers revising important projects.
Collective ownership - In XP collective ownership means that anyone
can change any part of the project - programmers are not restricted
to a certain area of expertise. Open Source projects normally work
differently, having restrictions on the persons allowed to make changes
directly, and the process required for submitting changes. This is
necessary because of the large numbers of contributors. However, in
the Open Source software all the parts of the software are visible
to every programmer, who can always request access to change "restricted"
parts of the code in special cases.
Continuous integration - Some Open Source projects integrate contributions
continuously and others group them into releases. Some projects allow
anyone to commit changes whereas others require changes to be submitted
for review. Nevertheless, on an individual level, most hackers do
practice continuous integration.
40-hour week - It's hard to apply this to hackers that are working
in their spare time. The main objective of this XP principle, however,
is satisfied by the Open Source definition: motivation.
On-site customer - Most Open Source projects don't have a physical
"site" or a specific "customer". However, the
essence of this practice is to have good communications between programmers
and users, and this has already been explained.
Coding standards - Most Open Source projects adhere to coding standards,
for the same reasons that XP requires them: To allow different programmers
being responsible for the same code at different times. On smaller
projects, the standards are often informally enforced by the key developer,
who adapts the contributions into his own style. Large projects usually
have an explicit set of standards.
Open Source XP software
JUnit is a regression testing framework written by Erich Gamma and
Kent Beck. It is used by the developer who implements unit tests in
Java. JUnit is Open Source Software, released under the IBM's Common
Public License Version 1.0 and hosted on SourceForge
CurlUnit is a an instance of the xUnit architecture commonly used
as a testing framework within the Extreme Programming methodology
(XP) methodology. Like Junit, CurlUnit is Open Source Software, released
under the IBM Public License and hosted on SourceForge.
resources for Open Source development under XP rules may be found
in http://www.xprogramming.com/software.htm.
Final word
source software can be used in Extreme Programming development, and
XP concepts can be adopted by Open Source projects. The design part
should be given more importance, tough, with the integration of XP,
Open Source and MDA. The goal s being to reduce the time and increase
the quality of open source development, and to reduce costs and improve
efficiency and portability of applications developed under XP principles.
Open decision
good starting point in deciding whether to use Open Source software
is to take a look at what phase a company is, regarding the development
of Web services, says Thomas Murphy, senior program director for Meta
Group consulting firm: "Open Source is ideal for when you need
to keep up with where technology is headed, and for that portion of
your technical staff working in future technologies. It's well suited
for these early stages. But when you're looking to use something for
production and development, that requires a stable release path. So
I think that often, people look for commercial tools at that point."
deciding factor is money. Open Source may be the perfect solution
for companies that haven't decided yet to go full-bore into Web services,
or those that are operating on a shoestring or looking to hold down
exceedingly important issue, but one that is easy to overlook is the
"cultural" factor, says Eric Promislow, senior developer
specializing in Web services with ActiveState, which provides Open
Source-based applications, tools and support. "Go with Open Source
for Web services development if your staff already uses Open Source
for other purposes, and want to stay with the tools they know and
love," he says. "They know how it works, and they know how
to get support for it from the Open Source community." They'll
be far more productive - and happier in their jobs - than if they
had to use commercial tools.
adds that Open Source software is an ideal way for companies to dip
their toes in the water when it comes to Web services development,
and so is suited for companies still deciding whether to seriously
pursue Web services. "They can make no upfront investment except
in time," he says, and so can inexpensively develop pilot projects.
warns that there are a series of not-obvious issues that companies
should be aware of when they ultimately decide to go the Open Source
route. "Businesses need to understand that in using Open Source,
they are also taking on support and product management responsibilities,"
he warns. "You need someone to track where the bug fixes are,
and know what the newest features are likely to be. It's not like
a commercial product where someone makes money off support and so
provides it for you - you have to do it yourself." Of course
the existence of service companies around Open Source is increasing
and reducing the effect of this problem.
costly activity may be installing the software. Not all Open Source
software have easy installation routines, and often a commercial implementation
of Open Source software is required to ensure the community support,
the low cost, and technical support.
Source software is built by community, and is a community effort,
and so businesses have to decide up-front how involved their developers
can be in that community. Should companies allow developers not only
to work with Open Source software, but also participate in the community,
and in the community development of the software? Will managers allow
developers to spend company time working on Open Source community
projects? The rules shall be put in place for this ahead of time,
to avoid problems in later project phases.